We sail upon a Stormy Sea
but our love is strong
we are together you and me
I know that nothing can go wrong
For our boat is made to sail the sea
in storm or when it is calm
no matter what is there you see
we will not ever come to harm
So look at life as it's a stormy sea
and we just bob up and down
here in our boat just you and me
our love makes sure we'll never drown
In life there's problems that we meet
they're like the stormy sea
the problems we will always beat
for we are strong both you and me
For our boat is made to sail the sea
in storm or when it is calm
no matter what is there you see
we will not ever come to harm
So look at life as it's a stormy sea
and we just bob up and down
here in our boat just you and me
our love makes sure we'll never drown
