We are here now remembering the past
and looking back at the days that went so fast
and at the time when we were oh so young
in the times so very long ago
and we remember well that we were so much in love
and that there always were blue skies up above
and that the stars were up there all aglow
or at least I think it was so
I am glad that we still are much in love
and I am glad there's still blue skies up above
and I am glad that our life was so good
also that we did the best we could
so here we are remembering all of our life
remember good things forgetting all the strife
for all the good things outweigh all the bad
so no reason now to be sad
We are old now have lived so many years
a life so happy and not a life of tears
of that we're thankful to heavens above
and for that we always were in love
now we don't have many more years before we go
but there is just one thing for certain that I know
that when that day comes we still will not part
for you are still here in my heart
I love you so
