I'm sitting here by the fire
Music & Lyrics by John Torp
Copyright © 2008 John Torp

Do you remember
I'm sitting here by the fire
and soon I'll be counting sheep
and then comes the insects choir
and so I will go to sleep
it was a long ride today
tomorrow will be the same
we must ride a long long way
for that is a cowboy's game
And this life is good for me
that is my way to live
I would not change my job you see
for it has much to give
I'm in the fresh air all day
no gas or diesel fumes
I see the sky and smell the hay
and see the flowers that blooms
I would never change my mind
no matter what came my way
no better job I could find
so a cowboy I will stay
If I won a lot of dough
I still would not change my way
I'd still be the same you know
and just do the same all day
This life is so good for me
that is my way to live
I would not change my job you see
for it has much to give
I'm in the fresh air all day
no gas or diesel fumes
I see the sky and smell the hay
and see the flowers that blooms

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