If I could have my way
the sun would always be shining
there would be no sky of grey
but we would have a lovely blue ceiling
If I could have my way
I would make sure you were happy
I'd be with you every day
and our life would be good you'd see
The life we'd have together
would be so fine for us two
and we would have lovely weather
the sun would be shining for us two
and I would love you so
I'd kiss you there in the moonshine
and our love would only grow
and I'd love you for you were mine
If I could have my way
no dark skies would hang above us
no bad things come our way
and nothing would ever harm us
you would be safe here with me
and I would do all to protect you
and I would keep you close to me
so happy we'd be us two
I'm sure I want no more than
to be there just for you dear
for us to have a good life and
always to live without fear
and I would love you so
I'd kiss you there in the moonshine
and our love would only grow
and I'd love you for you were mine
