At night when you are in
your bed
Music & Lyrics by John Torp.
Copyright © 2009 John Torp

Do you remember
At night when you are in your
and feeling all alone
when it is hard to go to sleep
your heart is cold as stone
just think of me and I'll be there
and stay right by your side
I'll hold you tight and comfort you
and I will be your guide
I'll help you to be dreaming of
some happy place to go
where we'll be walking hand in hand
and say " I love you so "
and if again some other night
when you are counting sheep
just think of me and I'll be there
into your mind I'll creep
There is no grass as green and soft
so pleasing to the eye
the flowers are so beatiful
and such a clear blue sky
there is a soft wind blowing there
and it's so nice and warm
such lovely birds are flying there
and many bees do swarm
You'll never be alone again
because I'm tuned to you
I'll be on the same wavelenght and
then I will come to you
so you and me in dreams we'll meet
in fields where flowers grow
and we'll be walking hand in hand
where rivers softly flow

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