Are you here to stay
or just passing through
if you're on your way
I will be missing you
since you've been with me
I have felt so good
I am sure you see
that I did all I could
That you came to me
brightened up my life
showed me what could be
if you would be my wife
and that was something that
was so new to me
something that I now see I never had
I do hope you'll stay
and complete my life
please don't go away
just stay and be my wife
I will do my best
if you'll stay with me
and I will not rest
but care for you you see
You will not regret
if you stay with me
and then you will get
a loving kiss from me
and I will love you so
and then you will see
that it was so good I didn't let you go
What a lovely day
when you came to me
yes a lucky day
you came to stay with me
if you'd gone away
I don't know what I'd do
don't know what I'd say
and be here without you
But it all turned out
just so very fine
I just want to shout
that you are really mine
oh what a lucky day
when you came to me
and now I must say you're all a girl should be
